Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • DUT :

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux Algorithmiques et langages, 36h, IUT d'Orsay, département informatique, Université Paris-Sud

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux Mathématiques S2, 25,5h, IUT d'Orsay, département Mesures-Physiques, Université Paris-Sud

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux Mathématiques S1, 24h, IUT d'Orsay, département Chimie, Université Paris-Sud

  • Licence :

    • Grégory Arbia Algèbre 1: calcul vectoriel, 36h, L1, UPMC.

    • Grégory Arbia Calcul matriciel numérique, 24h, L3, UPMC.

    • Laurent Boudin: Series and integrals (15h), L2, UPMC.

    • Laurent Boudin: Multivariable calculus and multiple integrals (72h), L2, UPMC.

    • Laurent Boudin: Hilbert analysis (16h), L3, Polytech'Paris.

    • Paul Cazeaux Algebra 1, vectorial calculus, 72h, L1, UPMC Paris 6

    • Paul Cazeaux Analysis 1, Functions, 36h, L1, UPMC Paris 6

    • Anne-Claire Egloffe: Fonctions de plusieurs variables et intégrales multiples, L2, (36 h), UPMC

    • Anne-Claire Egloffe: Khôlles Séries et intégrales, L2 (20 h), UPMC

    • Ayman Moussa, Numerical Methods for differential equations (36h), L3, UPMC.

    • Ayman Moussa, Introduction to Numerical Analysis oral exams, (15h), L3, UPMC.

    • Miguel A. Fernández Scientific computing, 30h, level L3, École des Ponts ParisTech, France.

    • Muriel Boulakia Vector calculus (24h), L1, UPMC, France

    • Muriel Boulakia Linear optimization and convexity (36h), L3, UPMC, France.

    • Muriel Boulakia Hilbertian analysis (30h), L3, Polytech'Paris, France

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel Mathematics for biology, 64h ETD, L1 - undergraduate, Univ. de Versailles Saint Quentin

  • Master :

    • Laurent Boudin: Numerical analysis (8h), M1, Polytech'Paris.

    • Laurent Boudin: Basics for numerical methods (32h), M1, UPMC.

    • Ayman Moussa, Real Analysis (72h), M1, UPMC.

    • Ayman Moussa, Numerical analysis (38h), M1, Polytech'Paris.

    • Ayman Moussa, Revision lecture on analysis and linear algebra (50h), M1, AIMS-Sénégal.

    • Marc Thiriet Biofluid flows, 12 h. M2, UPMC

    • Miguel A. Fernández Numerical methods in bio-fluids, 6h, level M2, University of Vigo, Spain.

    • Miguel A. Fernández Inverse problems, 44h, level M1, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci

    • Muriel Boulakia Approximation methods for partial differential equations (72h, taught in english), M1, UPMC, France

    • Muriel Boulakia Preparatory course for teaching admission examination Agrégation (15h), M2, UPMC, France

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel Modeling Techniques, 24h ETD, M1, Univ de Versailles Saint Quentin.

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel Different types of model for blood flow simulations, within the course Mathematics modeling for biology, 5h ETD, M1, Ecole Centrale Paris

    • Apport des mathématiques appliquées (30min) "Diplôme universitaire de Médicine" on percutaneous valvular replacement, May 25th, Paris, France.

  • Others

    • Ecole de printemps - Marrakech (LAMAI, FST) : Marc Thiriet Mathématiques & Interactions (6h)

    • Ecole d'été - Roscoff (ICS, UPMC) : Marc Thiriet Biomathematics & Bioinformatics (12h)

    • Biomathematical and Biomechanical Modeling and Simulation, Marc Thiriet (L3) Dpts of Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Physics, and Biology, 20h, Tbilisi State University (TSU)

    • Laurent Boudin Supervisor (for mathematics) of the bidisciplinary computer science / applied mathematics licence program and of the joint program UPMC-Brown on computer science / applied mathematics at the licence level (18h).

    • Irène Vignon-Clementel Numerical simulations of blood flow, 1h30, as part of the undergraduate continuum mechanics class at AgroParisTech, France


  • PhD : Cristóbal Bertoglio Beltran, Forwar and Inverse problems in fluid-structure interaction. Application in hemodynamics, 23 November 2012. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández Varela.

  • PhD : Paul Cazeaux, Homogenization and lungs modelling,12 December 2012 Supervisors: C. Grandmont & Y. Maday

  • PhD : Anne-Claire Egloffe, Inverse problems in lungs modelling, 19 October 2012. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & M. Boulakia.

  • PhD : Sofiene Hendili, Structures élastiques comportant une fine couche d'hétérogénéités : étude asymptotique et numérique, 4 July 2012. Supervisors: F. Krasucki & M. Vidrascu.

  • PhD in progress : Grégory Arbia, Multi-scale Modeling of Single Ventricle Hearts for Clinical Decision Support, since October 2010. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & I. Vignon-Clementel.

  • PhD in progress : Justine Fouchet-Incaux, Mathematical and numerical modeling of the human breathing, since October 2011. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & B. Maury.

  • PhD in progress :Stéphane Liwarek, Air flow in the nasal cavity, since October 2010. Supervisors: M.A. Fernández & J-F. Gerbeau

  • PhD in progress : Jimmy Mullaert, Fluid-structure interaction, since September 2009. Supervisors: M.A. Fernández & Y. Maday

  • PhD in progress : Elisa Schenone, Inverse problems in electrocardiology, since October 2011. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M. Boulakia.

  • PhD in progress : Saverio Smaldone, Numerical methods for cardiac hemodynamics, since October 2010, Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández.


  • Laurent Boudin

    • Member of the PhD committees of Phung Thanh-Tam ( University Orléans, July 2012).

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Hiring committees: Univ. Caen, Univ. Versailles, Univ. P. & M. Curie (MCF positions)

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Member of the PhD committees of M. Pozzoli ((referee), Politecnico di Milano, Italy); A. Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), M. Pischiutta (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), V. Vitelli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and C. Bertoglio (University Paris VI) and B. Fabrèges (University Orsay Paris-Sud)

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Member of the PhD committees of Alistair Brown (Sheffield university (referee)) , Cristóbal Bertoglio (University Paris VI)

    • Hiring committees: Univ Montpellier (Professor position), Inria (DR2).

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Member of the PhD committees of S. Court ((president of the jury) University Toulouse ); A.-C. Egloffe (University Paris VI) and P. Cazeaux (University Paris VI )

    • Member of the HDR committees: of O. Saut ((referee) University Bordeaux Univ.); S. Martin (University Orsay Paris-Sud)

    • Hiring committees: Bordeaux Univ. (President of the hiring committee for an Assistant Professor position in Scientific computing), Bordeaux Univ. (Professor position), Dauphine (Assistant Professor position).

  • Bérenice Grec

    • Hiring committee: Univ. Orléans (MCF position)

  • Sébastien Martin

    • Hiring committee: École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (mechanics).

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Member of the selection comittee of HPC projects in the framework of HPC-Europa2 – Pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing supported by the European Commission Capacities Area - Research Infrastructures Initiative

    • Member of the PhD committees of Referee of Bruno Tayllamin ((referee) University Montpellier 2); Edmund G. Lobb, (Aeronautics Dpt., Imperial College of London)

  • Marina Vidrascu

    • Member of the PhD committees of Sofiene Hendili (University Montpellier)

    • Hiring committe: Univ Grenoble (MCF position)

  • Irène Vignon-Clementel

    • Member of the PhD committees of: Yiyi Wei (University Lilles); Nick Jagiella (University Paris 6 UPMC)

    • Hiring committee for assistant professor positions at Grenoble University